Thursday, February 4, 2010

Are You Familiar With the Different Breast Cancer Causes?

Friday, January 15, 2010, 10:33
This news item was posted in Cancer treatments category and has 0 Comments so far.

Breast cancer is unfortunately something that every person wants to be familiar with and aware of just in case it happens to you. There are a number of different breast cancer causes, which can help you work toward preventing them at all cost. However, some things simply are not preventable.

Certain changes in DNA can cause normal breast cells to become cancerous. Some inherited DNA changes can increase the risk for developing cancer as well as being responsible for cancers that run in families. However, most breast cancer DNA changes happen in single breast cells during a woman’s life.

Typically, these acquired changes will happen over the course of a woman’s life. Most breast cancers have several of these acquired gene mutations. Unfortunately, the breast cancer causes of man of these mutations that can lead to breast cancer are unknown.

Although it is not exactly known for what causes breast cancer, there are certain risk factors that can be linked to the disease. There are some risk factors that you can control such as your diet, eating habits, drinking habits and anything similar to that. Then there are the uncontrollable risk factors such as age, race and family history. Regardless, risk factors are not a sole determinant.

What these risk factors can do is give you guidance for how to prevent breast cancer and what to look for. If your family has a history of breast cancer, obviously you are going to want to pay closer attention than most people. The second you find a lump or experience a different symptom, you want to get checked.

Any risk factors that you have no control over should put you on alert a little more. Some other risk factors include gender as women are 100 times more likely to get breast cancer, age as women are far more likely to get it over the age of 55, and if you have dense breast tissue.

These are all risk factors you want to pay attention to closely as you have no control over them. As for the risk factors you do have control over, work hard at living a healthy and clean lifestyle. This means having less than one drink per day, exercising for 30 minutes three times a week, and not having children until later in life.

While breast cancer causes are unknown, there are a number of risk factors you want to be aware of. Take care of your life to prevent the risk factors you have control over and pay close attention to the factors you have no control over. Learn more about these at

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