Saturday, January 8, 2011

Myths About Oral Health

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Thursday, April 29, 2010, 13:21
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Oral health plays a vital role in the health and well-being of all people and, subsequently, the quality of life. Till recently it was felt that aging had to do with debilitating changes in oral functioning like loss of teeth, less salivary flow, mucosal atrophy and loss of taste. Recent research, however, withdraws many such misconceptions. Oral health myths and their debunking include:
Myth 1: Cavities are for children.
Reality: Wrong. If you have one or more of your natural teeth, you can still develop cavities. Cavities are more common as you grow older as your gums tend to pull away from the base of the teeth, leaving the roots exposed.
Myth 2: Those who have false teeth do not have to see a dentist anymore.
Reality: Wrong again, even if you have one or more false teeth or dentures, you must still clean them and visit your dentist on a regular basis.
Myth 3: Teeth are only for appearances sakes.
Reality: Wrong once more. Definitive studies have revealed the link between poor oral health and diseases like diabetes in people of all ages. In seniors, poor oral health is connected to respiratory diseases. Research has also revealed a possible link between oral health and heart disease.
Myth 4: Overall health does not depend on our oral health.
Reality: Not altogether true. If your gums are unhygienic, dental bacterial byproducts could get into your blood stream and this might result in heart diseases, strokes or under-weight child birth.
Myth 5: When brushing, bleeding is normal.
Reality: Not so. bleeding gums are just a sign of gum disease.
Myth 6: Brushing is done to remove food particles.
Reality: This is only partly right. By brushing and flossing daily it helps keep formation of plaque to the minimum, thus preventing oral diseases.
Myth 7: Bad breath is the result of lack of oral hygiene.
Reality: This again is only partly correct. There are some bacteria on the tongue and throat that produce volatile sulfur compounds. Excessive sulfur compounds result in the bad breath.
Myth 8: Pregnant women do not require dental checkups.
Reality: Unfortunately, no. Dental health has an impact on the health of baby to be born. Dental diseased during pregnancy could raise the chances of having a premature, under-weight baby.
Myth 9: Tooth loss is inevitable the older you grow.
Reality: Sadly it is not so. Around 15 years ago, over 50% Americans above 65 were totally toothless. By the year 1985, the figure had fallen to around 41% overall, ranging from 32% in ages 65-69 and 49% in the over 80 age group.
Herbal Natural Therapies for Oral Hygiene
A number of herbs have antibacterial properties that aid in oral hygiene routine. They also make the breath smell a little sweeter. For instance, as therapies for oral hygiene, essential oils of peppermint, spearmint, and almond can all be rubbed around the base of the gums.
As a therapy for oral hygiene tea tree oil has a lot more bacterial-fighting agents than the above mentioned essential oils. Add a few drops of tea tree oil to your toothbrush during brushing and it will leave your gums feeling clean and invigorated.
For centuries, another of the best natural therapies for oral hygiene is green tea. For long have the Chinese used green tea as an oral rinse for regular mouth care, since it contains powerful antioxidants that besides other things help boost the immune system.
Home Remedies for toothaches
The good old clove is one of the best known home remedies for toothache relief. Clove helps abate the pain with its antiseptic properties. In fact, clove oil, applied on the painful tooth, helps ease toothaches pain fairly quickly. Alternatively, try grinding a clove and applying the powder on the affected area.
Wheat grass juice is widely available nowadays as a fantastic home remedy to help prevent toothaches. Sometimes it can even cure. You may chew on wheat grass for pain relief; it will prevent bacteria from procreating and even draw bacteria out of the painful area.
A piece of raw onion chewed for 3 minutes helps ease toothache pain, or kill oral bacteria. This not only helps relieve the pain, it also helps cure toothaches. If you cannot chew, a small piece of raw onion applied directly to the infected spot will ease the pain almost immediately.
A lukewarm saltwater mouthwash also mildly disinfects the mouth and helps rinse the teeth and gums, thus providing gentle toothache pain relief. This is, perhaps, the easiest toothache home pain remedy, as everyone has some salt in their kitchens.
Finally, for successful toothache relief, a clove of garlic possibly mashed up with some salt and placed on the tooth helps relieve the pain. It even acts as an anesthetic, sometimes even curing mild toothaches. This home remedy could be one of the more successful ones of regularly applied.

Kevin Pederson, a regular writer for Natural Remedies and Home Cures recommends effective, low cost natural cures to recover from common health problems easily. The writer uncovers several misconceptions on oral health, and offers useful tips on dental health.
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