Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Trying to Conceive a Boy Naturally

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 1:36
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Are you trying to conceive a boy baby? If so you may have already come across masses of information all claiming to give great hints and tips to help you to have a son. The question is, which methods are worth trying and which are nothing more than hearsay or old wives tales?

First of all, the very fact that you are searching for information on this emotive subject means that this is extremely important to you. Most people who try to naturally influence the odds to have a baby boy are in a position where they already have two or more daughters and this forthcoming attempt at a pregnancy will be their last. This is often their one and only chance to have a son and the word “chance” does not bode well in this situation.

Whatever happens, you need to be absolutely sure that you are giving this your best shot and therefore should disregard any methods which do not have a scientific or tried and tested basis. Fortunately, if you are trying to have a son,there are a number of simple steps which you can take which will sway the odds in your favor.

Most people know that it is the sperm from the man which determines the sex of the baby. Male and female sperm has different characteristics and we can use these to our advantage when trying to conceive a boy. The male sperm is much faster swimming than the more cumbersome female sperm. It is also much smaller. However, it has a very short lifespan, unlike the female sperm which can live for days. It also prefers a more alkaline environment.

So How Can This Help Us?

By having intercourse as close to the point of ovulation as possible means that the fast male sperm can quickly reach the awaiting ovum before the female sperm. You should also avoid having intercourse for the few days leading up to ovulation as this can mean that there could be the longer lasting female sperm ready and waiting for the newly-released egg. Looking at this, it is important to be able to pinpoint the point of ovulation. Using an ovulation predictor kit can be extremely useful in these circumstances. As soon as the predictor stripe is reading positive, you know it is the right time to be trying to conceive a boy.

With regard to the alkaline environment favored by male sperm there are two ways to approach this. Firstly, the area near the cervix is naturally alkaline so having sex using positions which favor deeper intercourse can be beneficial. In addition, eating foods which are naturally alkaline can encourage more alkaline secretions within the vagina. The foods which can be useful include red meats, salty foods, flour, caffeine and cereals. Dairy products should be avoided. In addition, eating <b>at least</b> your recommended daily allowance of calories will improve your chances of conceiving a boy.

If you would like to see tried-and-tested methods which will help you to have your son, there is an excellent guide which is based on scientific rather than anecdotal principles. It includes dietary information and the exact gender clinic douche recipe which normally retails at $450. In addition, you can also subscribe to a completely free newsletter which gives hints and tips on natural gender selection. To see this 3 step comprehensive risk-free method of how to have a son, which has proven to be 95% accurate, please visit Trying to Conceive a Boy


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