Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ways to Conceive a Girl Naturally Using Natural Gender Selection Methods

Wednesday, January 20, 2010, 16:43
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When it comes to ways to conceive a girl, there is nothing wrong with preferring one gender over the other. One of the biggest benefits about going through natural gender selection methods is the fact that you do not have to resort to expensive procedures such as artificial insemination. In fact, the following methods have proved successful for thousands of couples.

The sperm carrying the X chromosome will ultimately need to fertilize the egg in order to get pregnant with a girl. However, the female sperm is much hardier in acidic environments compared to the male sperm. Monitoring and increasing pH levels of the reproductive environment are therefore the first step to conceiving a girl.

Be sure to make use of vaginal test strips and to note any changes in pH on a regular basis either on a calendar or in a journal. Ways to increase acidic levels include using a specialty douche prior to intercourse which can be bought at health clinics. Consuming foods high magnesium such as spinach and broccoli also help to elevate pH levels.

Other gender selection methods include timing intercourse from 2 to 3 days prior to the start of the woman’s ovulation cycle. This reduces the likelihood that the male sperm are able to survive by the time the egg is ready to be fertilized. In addition to using vaginal pH testing strips, be sure to use ovulation prediction kits as well to further increase your chances.

When following this process, it’s important to be patient as once the egg is fertilized the baby’s gender is set. Be sure to work on increasing pH levels of the reproductive environment and to time intercourse several days prior to ovulation. Rather than paying for expensive treatments, these methods can work just as well if implemented correctly.

Want to learn more?

Get free tips on natural gender selection methods that have proven successful for thousands of couples.

Learn more about methods to conceive a girl without the need to go through expensive medical treatments.

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