Sunday, July 18, 2010

Women…..bladder Problems After Having Kids?

Sunday, December 27, 2009, 15:23
This news item was posted in Bladder problems category and has 25 Comments so far.

It’s been a year since I had my second baby and my bladder has gotten worse since she was born. It’s to the point now that it’s hard for me to control it. I pee when I sneeze or cough……and not just a tiny bit….it’s alot. I feel like I have to pee all the time (non stop) like when you have a bladder infection but the doc says I don’t have an infection. What is wrong with me. AZO doesn’t help at all. Can this be fixed? I’m only 26 and I have to use the Poise pads.

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25 Responses to “Women…..bladder Problems After Having Kids?”

  1. honeybea said on Sunday, December 27, 2009, 15:49

    I hate to admit this, but I had this problem too. Took a few years before I could sneeze without worrying about it. Not too long ago I was talking to a few friends and it came up, and they all had the same problem. With all the stuff that people tell you about and warn you about, I really wish this had been one of them! I wont promise you that it will go away, but it has for everyone I have talked to about it. It just takes time. Good luck to you!

  2. zayneb said on Sunday, December 27, 2009, 16:11

    This is a result of the uterus pushing down on the bladder for an extended time during pregnancy. There is really nothing you can do. The bladder was just strained during pregnancy, and now the slightest pressure can cause you to urinate. Sorry. Happy Holidays :)

  3. G0SSIP GIRLLLL said on Sunday, December 27, 2009, 16:30

    Call it your badge of courage, just kidding. Not unusual at all to have a prolapsed bladder after child birth. If meds or kegel exercises don’t help, there is a few surgical procedures available. One is an actual bladder suspension, not a little surgery. The other is called a pubovaginal sling, almost like a laparoscopic surgery and is being performed by alot of ob/gyns. I would for sure go to a urologist, where that is their specialty.

  4. justafan said on Sunday, December 27, 2009, 17:05

    Yes. It’s a common thing. My wife had two children and now suffers the same as you. These little ones ruin our bodies and cause us years of pain and worry. I have to think that’s why God made them so cute.
    Hang in there!

  5. Lance said on Sunday, December 27, 2009, 17:57

    Coping With Bladder Problems
    Do You Have This Problem?
    If you sometimes wet yourself, you are not alone. Millions of adults have this problem, called “incontinence.” This is when urine leaks out before you get to the bathroom. You may think that the only way to deal with this problem is to wear adult diapers, or pads. But today there are better ways to treat this problem, including taking medicines.
    With proper treatment, you will not have to worry about getting rashes, sores, or bladder infections; having sexual problems; or being unable to sleep, go out in public, or meet with friends. This brochure tells about the many ways to treat this problem.
    What Causes Incontinence?
    There are many reasons adults may leak urine. Sometimes it’s caused by an illness, and when the illness goes away, so does the incontinence. For example, bladder infections and, if you are a woman, infections in the vagina can cause incontinence for a short while. Being unable to have a bowel movement or taking certain medicines also may make it hard to control your bladder.
    Sometimes incontinence lasts longer. Then the urinary leakage may be caused by:
    a weak bladder
    weakening of muscles around the bladder. This happens with women who have had children. Sometimes the weakened muscles cause urine to leak out when you cough, laugh, sneeze, or do a certain activity.
    a blocked urinary passageway
    damage to the nerves that control the bladder
    diseases such as arthritis, that limit movement.
    Facts About Incontinence
    There are many good ways to treat incontinence.
    More women than men are likely to leak urine.
    Incontinence, or urinary leakage, is not normal at any age. Older people are more likely to have it, though.
    Incontinence can be stopped or decreased in almost everyone — even the very old and frail.
    There are many ways to treat incontinence, from exercises to surgery. Ask your doctor what is best for you.
    Bladder or habit training. This will train your bladder to hold urine better. Your doctor may ask you to urinate at set times, such as once every hour. If you stay dry during these times, you may be told to wait longer before going to the toilet, for example, every one-and-a-half hours. The doctor also may tell you not to drink beverages with caffeine, such as coffee, tea, and colas. You may want to cut down on how much you drink before going to bed. But drink your usual amount of fluids during the rest of the day.
    Bladder exercises. These help make the muscles around the bladder strong so that you can hold the urine in your bladder longer. They are easy to do — tighten the muscles that you use to stop yourself from urinating. Keep the muscles tightened for about four seconds to 10 seconds. Then relax the muscles for the same amount of time. Increase the number of times you do this over several weeks. The doctor also may suggest using a small device that you put in your vagina or rectum, the low end of the bowel. The device gives a painless electrical pulse that exercises the muscles. This helps the muscles get stronger more quickly.
    Drugs. Some common ones are Detrol and Ditropan. You must have a prescription from a doctor to get these drugs.
    Surgery. Surgery can fix problems such as blocked areas. It also can move the bladder so that it isn’t bumping into another body part, make the bladder bigger, and make weak muscles stronger. A surgeon also can put in the body a small device that acts on nerves to control bladder contractions.
    Catheters. If nothing else helps, the doctor may suggest catheters, thin tubes placed in the bladder by a doctor or by the person. Both drain the bladder for you, sometimes into an attached plastic bag.
    Other Treatments For Women Only
    Throw-away patch. Sold in drug stores as UroMed or Miniguard Patch, the patch is about the size of a quarter and is sticky on one side. The woman puts the sticky side over her urinary opening. The patch helps hold in urine. It is not good for heavy leakage and may not always control medium leakage. Women with leakage that is more than light may need to use a panty liner with the patch. The patch can be used for two to three hours at a time during the day, and all night long. You take off the patch to urinate and when done, put on a new one.
    The Reliance Urinary Control Insert. This tiny device is a plug that must be prescribed by a doctor. You put it in your urethra, the urinary passageway. It helps prevent leakage. To urinate, you remove the insert, and, when you’re done going to the bathroom, put in another one.
    More Treatments For Women
    Collagen. This is a type of protein that your doctor injects into the lining of your urethra with a needle. Collagen thickens the area around the urethra so that you can control your urine flow better.
    Estrogen. For some women who have reached menopause, and have shrinkage of the vaginal or urethral lining tissue, estrogens may help. Estrogen can be taken as a pill, worn as a patch on your skin, or put into the vagina as a cream or ring-like device. You also need a doctor’s prescription for estrogen.

  6. sa_2006 said on Sunday, December 27, 2009, 18:42

    check with the doctor, and my mother had some bladder problems, the doctor advised she doesn’t drink tap water, increase your water intake, at least 8 glasses a day
    try to eat healthy
    hope you get well :D

  7. alsnowh said on Sunday, December 27, 2009, 19:37

    Have you been doing Kegel’s? I’m 40 and have had 5 kids and no bladder issues. If this continues you should see a urologist.

  8. JS said on Sunday, December 27, 2009, 19:41

    My Dr. told me to try kiegel (spelling?) exercises and it worked. But when i stopped the problem came back, so keep doing them.

  9. midnitro said on Sunday, December 27, 2009, 19:54

    I never had a bladder control prblem until i had kids. but after the first, i also pee when i sneeze and cough. Also pee a lot when i throw up. I do not however, feel the need to pee often. Weaker bladder is common with women who have had kids. Do keegal exercises, which is squeezing and releasing that muscle that controls the urine stream and the vagina muscles. Do that several times in a row and hold it for a few second each time. It helps to strengthen the muscles that control the urine stream.

  10. night_of said on Sunday, December 27, 2009, 19:56

    Don’t worry you’ll outgrow it. LOL. I’m just kidding. That happened to me too. My baby is now almost 3 and I am slowly gaining more control. I know it isn’t great news but maybe it’s something to look forward to.

  11. ? said on Sunday, December 27, 2009, 20:28

    You need to do that exercise, I can’t remember the name of it.
    While sitting or standing, actually anytime, squeeze your vagina muscles like you are going to stop peeing right in the middle of going.
    Kegal exercise I think it is called.
    This will strengthen the uterine walls.
    If not you may need to be put on some medication.
    It is very normal for a lot of women. Your not alone.

  12. Mom of 2 great boys said on Sunday, December 27, 2009, 21:15

    My friend had this problem too – we are the same age and she thought that happened to all moms! I said….i don’t know what you are talking about! Anyway, she is better now w/o doing anything and her son is 4 now. I have heard the best is kegel excercises. This strengthens the muscle that keeps the urine in and also make your insides tighter (like pre-birth) so sex is better too. Just google “kegel excersise” or something. It is simple and you can do it while watching tv or whatever. It is similar to trying not to pee – it is just clinching and relaxing those muscles. Hope that makes sense :) GOOD LUCK!

  13. ANicS said on Sunday, December 27, 2009, 21:45

    Yes it can be fixed! Go see a specialist, they can do a very small procedure to tighten that area. Do not suffer with that anymore, really it’s not bad to have done and more common than you may realise.

  14. Jazzy said on Sunday, December 27, 2009, 22:13

    It’s due to the weakening of the vagina muscles. It’s quite normal for woman after birth, but however, some may lead to complications later such as the wall collapsing later. Do the kegel excercise everyday to strenghten it, do a google on it and practice. You’ll be fine.

  15. jeseeme said on Sunday, December 27, 2009, 22:52

    You need to go to the Dr and explain this. I know this can be fixed, I’ve heard of other people having the same problem. I will say, don’t drink any pop, and only water as much as possible. That will help.

  16. LIPPIE said on Sunday, December 27, 2009, 23:39

    Welcome to the club =)
    When you pee practice stopping and going mid stream.
    It helps all those muscles tighten up. Please give it time, it isn’t an easy fix.
    Drink a small glass cranberry juice for about a week.
    Sure hope this helps you.

  17. Strange Brew said on Sunday, December 27, 2009, 23:51

    Incontinence is quite common in women after vaginal deliveries. Ask your doctor to recommend treatment. There are medications and surgical procedures that can help you. Good luck!

  18. N said on Monday, December 28, 2009, 0:44

    See your OB-Gyn or a urologist- it can be fixed, and almost all insurance plans cover it. In the meantime, try doing Kegels as often as possible.

  19. jimbell said on Monday, December 28, 2009, 1:32

    Yes it happens just the way you described. Keep using the pads and if you do the Keigal exercises it will get better.
    It’s kind of like a bad spell you go through and then sometimes it gets better by itself. Go figure!

  20. doglover said on Monday, December 28, 2009, 1:33

    Ask your OB for an ultrasound of the Urinary Tract. Sometimes you can get growths/tumors in the urethra causing uncontrollable urinations.

  21. Mom-of-3 said on Monday, December 28, 2009, 1:45

    Bladder leakage is a common problem for women after delivery. You may have had some damage done to the muscles which help you control things, or that support the bladder. What you are complaining of is called stress incontinence, and can be caused when you cough, laugh, or sneeze. There is an exercise called Kegels, which is useful sometimes in regaining some of the control by toning the specific muscles of the pelvic floor. Ideally you would have had them explained after your delivery- a shortfall on somebody’s part. At any rate, you can do kegels whenever you think about it, and several times through the day. When you go to the bathroom next, try to stop the urine stream mid-way. Concentrate on the muscles you are needing to use to do that. It’s not important if you are able to stop the urine stream at this point- but you will be able to see what you need to do to consciously contract them. A kegel is an exercise done in exactly that same way- by contracting those muscles on purpose, and then relaxing them- no enough to urinate, though obviously. You should try doing this periodically during your day, several repeats each time. And continue to try to stop the urinary stream when you go. With a bit of exercise and luck, you will reach a point where you can stop the stream (providing your bladder isn’t just chock-full when you try). As an added benefit, the same exercise helps tone the muscles controlling the vaginal canal, and you can give the hubbie a surprise thrill sometime as well. If the kegels won’t help after a few months, then you would want to see a urologist. There are some medications that can help and if needed, a surgical repair to improve matters as well. It can be fixed in most cases. Start with the kegels, and hang in with them for a few months. Then see a urologist if need be.

  22. The mom said on Monday, December 28, 2009, 2:25

    Good Luck

  23. John T said on Monday, December 28, 2009, 3:21

    have you tried keigel exercises? that is when you try to stop urinateing by tensing the nmuscles of the pelvic floor. you can do these through out the day and rebuild the muscle strength needed to controll the release of urin.if that is ineffective then there are surgeries that will help. sometimes during pregnacy the bladder will actually fall from place this can couse these symptoms too. in this case they can do a bladder suspension

  24. Chris E said on Monday, December 28, 2009, 4:14

    idk sorry

  25. ~USA~ said on Monday, December 28, 2009, 4:33

    it sounds like a UTI-Urinary Tract Infection

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