Archive for August 14th, 2009

Can doctors and nurses open up their own private pay as you go practice and not work under Universal Health Care? What say you? Or will government force them to work under their health care system, what say you?

I know Republicans are so dead set against Universal Health care . People with out medical care will certainly spread disease with out even knowing it . Poor working class people who can not afford Medical insurance will certainly go to work with the flu or risk losing their income . People who work at restaurants drive a cab or work at a grocery store (who handle money BTW ) seldom have health INS. This is how the flu spreads so quickly.

Also, this entire civilization was created without “health care for everyone.” Most people are not sick. Is the American Medical Association donating money to political campaigns? When my twins got sick I got hit up for 30,000 in medical costs (none of it a tax deduction) then over 30,000 in interest and penalties from the IRS because I paid the hospital to keep the kids alive instead of paying my taxes on time. Health care is so unimportant you can’t deduct it as an expense unless it’s practically your entire income. Yet, without medical care you can’t work to make more income for them to take from you.

In Ireland it is very difficult to consult a specialist doctor. For that you have to go to the General Practitioner and then he/she will send u to the specialist and then appointment and thousands of hazzles.

I want to get keiser medical insurance for my family

The receptionist asks me what am I seeing the doctor for, what if its private? I don’t want to say its private then she will know what I mean by that. What should I do?

My brother is 28 not working and suffers from depression, he does not have medical insurance and he has not been approved for medical assistance. HELP!

I heard half the doctors are threatening to quit if govt takes over and forces out private insurance, since govt ran programs hardly ever pays the doctor bills. Also the Obama administration has included in their 1300 page health reform program that they will allow just about anyone good and bad grades to go to medical school- YIKES! What kind of doctors will we end up with? You know since democrats have all the control in Washington they will pass this insane bill that SEIU wrote! Who is SEIU? A bunch of retards or what?

Concierge medicine is a relationship with a primary care physician in which the patient pays an annual fee or retainer. Rather than seeing a doctor thru my medical insurance which is kinda a pain in the butt. I just think that the Health Care system (insurance) is soo messed up. Let me know if you were satisfied with Concierge Medicine.