Archive for November 6th, 2009


I have been offered a job in which I will not pay for medical insurance except copays with Oxford insurance. The salary is less than I was looking for, but was curious how much not paying for medical insurance would save me yearly. This does not include dental.

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In Clinton’s Health Care plan she included giving free health care to illegal aliens. The health care plan is an important effort for the benefit of American Citizens and will provide a healthier more productive workforce but it will be paid for with tax dollars. Illegal Aliens should NOT be included in the medical benefits. They have been taking advantage of our system long enough; why pass a law that gives them the legal write to do so?

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When we go to the doctor and he or she orders an X-ray, a CAT scan, an ultrasound, or any other laboratory test, we typically go to the hospital to get these tests done. In some cases the doctor’s office can provide these tests but in either case they are very expensive. It seems to me that a clever entrepreneur could buy the equipment needed (even second hand a a greatly reduced price) and provide “testing” services to patients for a more affordable price. Granted, the results would still have to go back to the original doctor or specialists to be evaluated, but I still wonder if this might not be a way to help people save money.

I have medical coverage which I pay $130 every 2 weeks. My son has a growth under his tongue and when we took him to the doctor, he recommended it removed, but the office wants $660 before the procedure and we paid $130 for the visit. Am I missing something here? This is my first experience as a civilian, been in the military for the past ten years.

What is the justification for the health care bill?
I’m 28 years old. I’m healthy. I haven’t gone to the doctor in years. I’ve got money in the bank, and I pay my bills.
But I don’t have health insurance.
If I’m understanding the legislation correctly and it passes, not only will I have to buy health insurance, but the insurance companies will be forbidden to discriminate based on age or family size.
So basically, I’m going to have to pay for the medical bills of elderly people and big families.
How is this right? How is this justified in a country like America? Is this still a free country?

I just got signed up and they said it takes effect starting on my babies birth date of the 15th however I won’t have a card for a few weeks and we need to goto doctors…can i call insurance company to get my info or should I just pay the bill uninsured and send them the recipt?

It seems that we hear the extremes of experience from people who are subject to government medical programs. Some write of never having to worry, never waiting, never paying. Then, we hear other extremes. A recent answer related the experience of a relative dying in a hallway at a hospital that had put him on a waiting list for treating an infection in his foot.
Granted, it is impossible to prove these anecdotes, but I would like to at least hear from the personal experience of people writing here. If you like government health programs, have you had the need to put them to the test? Or has your health care been routine?

Gerys Anatomy/private Practice Question?

I watch Grey’s, and started watching Private Practice when it came out. I noticed that they re-casted the black femal doctor in Private Practice. In the last few espisodes of Grey’s Anatomy, Season 3, she was played by someone else. Why is this?

Just curious if Kaiser offers the abortion pill?I’d rather go through my insurance than Planned Parenthood, but I don’t want to go in there blindly.

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